Homage to a Lost Bonnard

Years ago in a small shop in Greenwich Village, I spotted a small Bonnard for sale. Not expensive really, but alas I didn't buy it. I'm not a fan of sweet Impressionism at all, but Bonnard, yes. The blue and pink washes, yes, yes! I'll never paint anything like it, but this once I did my homage.  My husband says he can't see the small crouched figure in the right-hand corner.

Messy studio

A corner of my messy studio, which has many, many messy corners. It's hard to walk around without stepping on a pile of drawings or canvases. I've been experimenting with interesting mats, like the one on the penciled drawing on the left.  This one I titled "Masked Woman" is my attempt to be as slick as possible, no stray lines, no expressionist flourishes.